Tender Reference Number AEGCL/DGM/MIRZA/T&T/Tech-12/2023/02; Dated: 16/06/2023
Tender Description Transportation of the 40 MVA transformer from Barnagar GSS to Agia GSS with required dragging at Barnagar GSS along with erection, testing and commissioning of the new 40 MVA transformer at Agia GSS.
Work type Works
Pre Bid Meeting Date ____-__-__ __:__
Tender Start Date 17-06-2023 15:00 IST
Submission Start Date 17-06-2023 15:00 IST
Tender End date 17-07-2023 12:00 IST
Tender Opening Date 17-07-2023 13:00 IST
Designation DGM Mirza
Address T&T Circle, AEGCL, mIRZA 781125
Total tender value(excluding/including GST) Rs. 1341507
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